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About Us

Here you can place your "About Us" info.

You can add links here as well.

If you have an exisiting or old site you can link it to your flash website with "hyperlinks"

Here is an example hyperlink:




Here you can discuss your pricing. You may also link to other online price lists you may have that already exsist online.

You can dump your old website or keep your it for added info if needed. Just use hyperlinks to link your SimpleSite. Hyperlinks may be added by you at any time.

Links can be pop-up or not as you wish.

You may also wish to add links to outside websites.

Here is the Lance Armstrong Foundation. Way to go Lance! (pop-up link)

Here is the Lance Armstrong Foundation. Way to go Lance! (non-pop-up link)



Here you can place your contact info.

You can add links here as well.

If you have an exisiting or old site you can link it to your flash website with "hyperlinks"

Here is an example hyperlink:



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This is your links page.

Here are two samples of the same link:

Lance Armstrong Foundation as pop-up link

Lance Armstrong Foundation as a non-pop-up link