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Positive Image Photography

All images will be available for you to view and purchase online in your own online photo album.

Individual Portrait Prints

5x7 $15

8x10 $20

11x14 $25

16x20 $30

Custom Collages starting at $100

Canvas prints:

8X10 $150

11X14 $180

16X20 $200

The Sitting Fee is $100 for an hour of the photographers time. The Sitting fee is to be paid one week prior to your appointment. Please give a 24 hour notice if you are unable to keep your appointment.



Positive Image Photography

For questions or to schedule an appointment please contact

Stephanie Cooper at


or email at positiveimagephotography@gmail.com


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Care is a global humanitarian effort fighting global poverty with a strong focus on women.

This is a great cause that we will donating a portion of all proceeds to. If you would like to support them too, please click on the link. Thank You
